a simple yarn collection

organization to simplify your yarn collection

Does any of this sound familiar?

there is yarn collected everywhere in your house, it should have its own address.

problem 1

You know the exact amounts of yarn you have, and don’t have to redo the mental math every time you’re pattern searching.

problem 2

Unfinished projects are stacking up around you because you didn’t plan ahead of time, and ran out of yarn again!

problem 3

You keep overspending on yarn, because you didn’t realize you already have the yarn you needed at home.

What if you couldā€¦

Print and fill out physical sheets for your yarn inventory!

Something concrete to store in a folder with your yarn, or with your planner, or even to take with to the yarn shop.


a simple yarn collection

A personal, printable inventory of your entire yarn collection

Here is what you get:

  • Space to keep track of your yarn in all 7 weights
  • Bonus pages for planning what yarn you’d like to donate, gift, give to kids, or sell
  • Size US letter 8.5 x 11 sheets for simple printing and keeping
  • 12 pages altogether, with the freedom to print extra of the pages you need

This inventory is for you if:

  • You like to know what you have so that you can make the most of it
  • You’re an old fashioned pen and paper kinda gal
  • There is yarn in your collection to pass along or to resell
  • Saving money is important to you

This inventory is NOT for you if:

  • Enjoy the hunt of your yarn when you’re pattern shopping
  • Prefer digital inventory trackers
  • You’re blissfully living with the unknown yarn collection you have
  • You prefer to spend money on what you already have at home

Meet dayna

I’m a mother of four living in a quite small farmhouse who blogs about knitting and slow living. Budgeting our money and keeping only what we use is important to me. I dislike the feeling of scattered yarn and unknown yardage because it leads to overspending and waste. The number of time I’ve cast on a project and didn’t end up having what I thought I had, is disheartening.

So I created this yarn collection inventory to bring out our love of yarn, but making sure we’re being intentional about it. I wanted to give room to pass yarn along, but also make space for what I keep in a helpful way.

are you ready?

Simplify and organize your yarn, with A Simple Yarn Collection, so you can experience more joy from reasonable knitting expectations!