Passing down the old fashioned skill of knitting to our children is such a joy. Whether you are a new or expert knitter or enjoy knitting from afar, I have lots of tips on how to teach children to knit! Here at the farmhouse, we believe in training up our children in the way they should go (Proverbs 22:6). That means we teach them our beliefs, valuable skills, and just plain fun hobbies! These are tips that we use to teach our multiple ages of children to become lifelong knitters.
Do you want to share the tradition of knitting with your children? Take a look at my Knitting in Home Education ebook!

homeschool knitting
Our Homeschool’s Favorite Books About Knitting
Small Space Homeschool Room Tour
Why knitting is a perfect addition to your homeschool curriculum
A Beginner’s Guide to Reading Knitting Patterns for Homeschool Moms
how to knit in every type of homeschool
Top Knitting Books for Homeschool Moms Teaching Kids to Knit
Teaching healthy knitting habits
Organizing children’s’ knitting supplies
Discover 5 simple steps to a cozier homeschool in my book, Hygge Your Homeschool, where more meaningful learning can happen!