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Cozy January 2024: A year of cozy

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Today I’m sharing the simple things that have made for a cozy January 2024, in hopes that it helps you see how peaceful it can be to find your own coziness.

A year of cozy: January in snow

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A year of cozy, take two

Back in 2022, I kicked off A Year of Cozy and followed through for a whopping two months! Even though 2022 wasn’t the time for me to document my year of cozy, this year I really want to pick back up on the year-long collection of what’s making my life cozy.

You can watch my cozy January 2022 favorites below, or here.

My hope is that sharing these ideas gives you encouragement for the simplicity of life. We can be so tempted by consumerism and I want to show that what’s giving me coziness all year long doesn’t always come from the store.

I also want to have a collection that you can come back to each year, each month when you find yourself needing a little extra coziness.

Cozy January favorite things

1. A Simple Yarn Collection

I wasn’t gifted anything knitting or yarn related for Christmas, and I’m glad! After some realistic decluttering the past two years, I feel so content with my knitting related supplies.

I realized that I’m happier in my knitting when I don’t have to manage a large yarn stash. When you have only the yarn you will use and can store, knitting becomes so much nicer.

I no longer have a yarn stash. But I do have a yarn collection, small enough to fit in my small yarn hutch and carefully curated so that I know what each skein is going to turn into. That wasn’t always the case, though! I used to have yarn under my bed, in the sunroom, in a yarn ottoman, and in a large yarn hutch. I never knew what I had and ended up spending more money on yarn than I needed to. I couldn’t actually find what I knew I had somewhere in the house!

I’m a pencil and paper thinker, and don’t enjoy keeping my yarn organized digitally. So I hopped on my computer and wrote out a plan that I could print and fill out with said pencil. I also wrote out a way to organize those WIPs. I like to keep the number of projects I’m working on small, but my memory isn’t great on the details. It’s nice to know what yarn I have, what project notes I need, and I can check it off the to do list in my head because it’s on paper in my binder!

2. Teaching kids to knit

Knitting with my girls (6 and 8 years old) has taught me a lot.

It’s also made me less of an overprotective Gollum about my yarn, and knitting in general. I used to be the only knitter in the house, but I love that I can share knitting talk and yarn with my girls. It’s a hobby that I can watch them grow a love for, or one that helps them on their way to their next hobby. Just because I’m a knitter doesn’t mean that they have to stay interested in knitting!

I really value teaching kids to knit, and I know it’s a skill that we’re not seeing many adults use anymore. Children used to learn to knit from their mother, aunt, or grandma. And now that’s just not happening in our current American culture. I really want to create a way to help children and their parents learn to knit, by teaching my own kids and sharing tips online about teaching kids to knit for other parents and grandparents.

3. Bella Grace’s Book of Lists

January usually has us wanting to make lists. Lists for new habits, better budgets, and ways to live healthier. But it’s so satisfying to read the Book of Lists and not have it added to your to do list.

The whole premise fills me with gratitude for the things that I have and feel by reading what others share brings them gratitude and joy. I feel content, and that can be a hard emotion to feel going into a new year full of possibilities.

Save these cozy January things

Do any of your favorite things align with my cozy January favorites? They don’t have to! But I do hope they’ve been inspiring in a way of not adding stress to your to do list. I pray for a year of content for us all!

You can use these ideas going into February to give you comfort and calm, or revisit them next January if you need the encouragement.

Here are more January favorites:

  • Knitting for babies (no, NOT pregnant!)
  • All Creatures Great and Small is back on PBS!
  • Wild Maine blueberry jam on sourdough toast
  • Sparkly twigs on frosty mornings

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