Ep 005: Why Moms Need Knitting Friends

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two women smiling while holding coffee and wearing cozy knit sweaters

You need knitting friends. You want knitting friends!

Just like friends with kids can better understand and relate to your stage of life, knitting mom friends feel you on a deeper level. You share a common bond and love for quiet moments to knit and babies in knit booties.

With knitting friends, you can have girl’s knit nights, troubleshoot knitting WIPS, and talk about weird newborn poop all in one friendship, which will get you feeling real comfortable with each other real fast!

You can listen to the episode here, or keep scrolling to watch below and read more.

Listen to the podcast here:

Why do you need mom knitting friends?

It’s so important to have deep, meaningful friendships that help us in motherhood.

When someone is in the same stage of life as you, and shares a hobby with you, it creates a really deep bond.

Someone right there in the throws of motherhood, like you, will totally get your struggles and joys.

Sometimes moms have a hard time forming friendships or putting energy into existing friendships.

Weekends are for family around here, and weeknights end in a tired heap of nacho eating on the couch.

But there are so many ways to give time to those friendships, whether in person or online.

Click play on today’s video to learn how to know ahead of time which patterns are going to really going to stand up to everyday mom life.

Links and Resources Mentioned

Website: www.thisyellowfarmhouse.com

YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/thisyellowfarmhouse

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisyellowfarmhouse/

Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/730662210905893

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mom friends holding coffee

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