
Autumn Knitting: Farmhouse Knitting Podcast Episode 2

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autumn knitting from the farmhouse knitting podcast by this yellow farmhouse

Welcome back to the farmhouse!

We’re back with another episode! Today we’re chatting autumn knitting, my cabled sock obsession, and I try not to set the house on fire from my candle stash. Come sit and knit with me!

Today I’m filming in a corner of our living room so that my sunroom coffee table is open for our homeschooling and bird-watching needs.

I decided to record right after taking a flat lay photo for Instagram. I know a lot of you guys ask questions about my photos and have just the nicest words to say about them! So today I thought I’d literally take you into my set up and hopefully you’ll feel really connected to it, and like we’re really knitting together.

How is your Autumn of 2020 going?! I know it’s very different, masks are required at pumpkin patches and it seems like we need to schedule all of our time just to leave our houses, which can be frustrating. But I hope it’s not discouraging you from going out and enjoying the weather and the season. It’s my absolute favorite time!

Today I’m knitting the second cable knit sock of an unnamed design that will be a free pattern that you can find here on the blog soon!

I’m really getting into the sock groove lately, but they haven’t been published yet! Eek!

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Show Links:

Yarns that will give you glee:

Autumn knitting patterns to add to your library:

Cozy favorites to stock up on:

Friendly knitting podcasters on YouTube:

Tweed in light colors adds really cool texture to socks, even ones with cabled patterns!

And this Garnet Heather is an amazingly cool-toned red for my fellow cool-toned wearers out there! Bright, barn reds don’t work on my skin, so I’m excited to cast on this shade and see how it works up.

knit night sign up

Autumn is here again, and that means pulling out the needles more often around here. No more garden distractions!

Autumn knitting WIPS

I’m finally not pregnant this season! (*happy dance!)

I LOVE my babies, but I’m not a pregnancy fan.

Since I can see my toes once again, that means I have motivation to finish up my Kara Sweater by We Are Knitters. It’s such an easy pattern so far, knit in garter stitch. Which is good because this is my first full sweater! I’ve done the Zermatt Cardigan, or as my husband lovingly calls it, my pimp sweater, but this is my first time doing the whole sweater shabang!

I have the front and back panels done, thank the lawd! I’m halfway through my first sleeve.

I’ve never used The WAK The Wave Wool, but I think I actually like it better than The Wool. I like the unevenness and texture it adds to simple garter stitch, plus there’s more structure to keep the whole thing from unraveling or pilling like The Wool does.

I love that I can bring all my wool back out for autumn knitting! It’s just too darn hot in the summer without air conditioning.

Does your knitting look like this?!

Yarn hutch update

If you’ve been following along, you know that our old outdated hutch was transformed into a yarn hutch! This week we’re adding a shiplap background to cover the glass mirror that was there.

It’s a silly reason, but I didn’t like having the reflection there because it just reflected all of the activity that’s in that room. So even though mirrors can make a room look brighter, it wasn’t doing any favors by reflecting the yarn right back out. It made the hutch look cluttered , like there was double the amount of yarn and decorations inside.

Some people are spring cleaners, I’m more of an autumn organizer, anyone else? I think going into the season of being indoors more makes me want to get that space ready, whereas in the spring I’m thinking about being outside.

Plus, even sillier, I wanted to be able to take better photos of the hutch for you guys without seeing a reflection of my kids hopping arond the living room!

yarn hutch shiplap
Almost there! Getting the shiplap on the yarn hutch.

Yarn hutch next steps

My next plan for the hutch is to create some sort of system for holding up the skeins maybe 3×3. Almost as if they were on a floating shelf, but with a hidden pegboard back there that I can slide the yarn onto. They like to fall over and look messy again!

I’m also working on a way to better organize my knitting needles, stay tuned!

autumn knitting at the farmhouse

Watching and learning

Two episodes in to the Farmhouse Knitting Podcast, I still have lots to learn.

I’m doin’ my own thing, but I recognize that there are certain things that you’re all looking for in a knitting podcast. I’m narrowing down my segments of each show to keep me from rambling (at least, not too much!), and I’ll be showing off more WIPS, yarn, patterns, and just having more focused topics.

I’d also love to feature other knitters in interview style episodes, either for business or fun. If you’d like to be featured, please contact me at [email protected].

Some of my favorite new (to me) knitting podcasters are Fourth Star Knits, Speckled Red Knits, and the Norwenglish Knitter.

Thanks for knitting and chatting with me! Head to our Facebook group to see the Gilmore Girls knitathon clip!

What’s next?

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  • Head to episode 3
  • Catch up on episode 1
  • Read the blog for more knitting and cozy living content

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