Ep 002: How to Slow Your Home and Knit More

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Mama Llama Knitting Podcast episode 002

What if more of your life could be automated, you could slow your home, and you had more time to knit?

Last week, we talked about becoming less busy to find more time to knit.

In today’s episode, we’re getting a bit more specific on how to slow your home so that you have more free time to knit!

You can listen to the episode here, or keep scrolling to watch below and read more.

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Listen to the podcast here:

Slowing your home

Slowing down your home with little kids looks a lot different than when our kids are older, so I’m told.

Tiny tornadoes and snackers can leave us moms running around all day, but there are some things we can do to take a break for knitting.


The less that needs your attention and hands on in your home, the better. For everyone, actually!

Quick instant pot dinners and grocery pick ups mean that when you do have some free time, you’re not spending it still being mom. You can have more time to yourself to knit

Having less stuff

I’m not a minimalist, but I’m a big fan of The Minimal Mom on YouTube.

She talks all about how the more inventory we have in our home, the more space it takes up in our house.

Those Christmas decorations that never make the cut and get put out in December? Instead of just shuffling around it for five more years, decide if you’re keeping it or letting it go.

Family can help

When I was pregnant with my third baby and too tired to get up every time my kids wanted a snack, I reworked our pantry.

I put kid plates, cups, and bowls on the bottom shelf where they could reach.

On the next shelf, I added baskets with my kids’ names on the fronts and filled it with granola bars, crackers, and portioned out snacks from bigger bags.

They still needed to ask permission for a snack, but once I gave the okay, they knew what their choices were and had everything they needed to put it together and bring it to the table.

This little change not only helped a tired pregnant mama out, but it stuck and is a lifesaver now that we have four kids under six. Now there’s a huge need for some mommy knitting time!

Listen to the rest of the episodes for more of my tips on how to slow your home and knit more!

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how busy moms find more time to knit

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